Become A Member

Why Become a Member

In becoming a member of CareNow Ontario you will be supporting the critical work of the organization toward the creation of a system of reliable and accessible care for those living with ME/MCS, FM and MCS. Together our voices will have an impact on creating change in government policy and community medical practice to ensure those in need will have access to care that can improve and change quality of life. When you do become a member we look forward to having you join us for the May 12th International ME/CFS Day usually held at Queen’s Park to raise awareness, you will receive informative newsletters and participate in our annual AGM – all to help you stay apprised of current actions and initiatives by CareNow Ontario toward meeting its goals.

Join, Renew, Donate

CareNow Ontario is on a calendar year renewal process which means January to December. We send out renewal notices in September and you will have 60 days to renew. We send out one reminder notice.

All new memberships and renewals are approved by the CareNow board.

You can become a new member at any time of the year and your membership would run to the end of the calendar year.

CareNow Ontario Membership Procedure

  1. Begin by going to the following link: https://
  2. Click the red box titled “Donate Now”
  3. Click inside the box “Apply your donation to a specific fund set up by this charity” and you will see a drop down menu giving three options
    1. General Donations
    2. Membership – membership fee is $25.00
    3. Membership and combined donation – to include $25.00 for membership plus the additional amount you wish to donate
  4. Choose Membership or Membership and combined donation option
  5. Click the red box “Continue With Donation” and this will open a new page called “Your Giving Basket” where you will complete the information with donor and tax receipt information. Canada Helps will issue you a tax receipt on behalf of CareNow Ontario.

Enrolling A Second Member Per Household

There are several members who enrol a second member. To make it easier for those who have two memberships per household, you can register two members per household on the same Canada Helps form. Just remember to click the correct amount for two memberships and to note in the message column on the form the full names of those you are registering as members.

If you do not have internet services, please advise us and we will forward you a membership form to return by regular mail. However, we assume that if you are receiving this e-mail that you must have internet services.

Contact us at if you have any concerns or question