Communication and Events

No tool developed for MCS

May 25, 2024

On May 2nd, 2024 the Centre for Family Practice (CEP) released three tools for FM, ME/CFS and POTS. However, they did not release a tool for MCS. Instead they published a single paragraph that is inadequate, unsubstantiated, not consistent with the current evidence base and not supported by expert clinicians or patients with lived experience. See slides xx in ppt presentation below that presents the paragraph and the concerns with the statement. CareNow Ontario is calling on the Minister of Health to immediately remove this paragraph from their website and to develop an equivalent tool to the ones developed for FM, ME/CFS and POTS.

May 15th Webinar

Centre for Effective Practice releases tools for FM ME/CFS and POTS

May 2, 2024

On May 2 2024, the Centre for Effective Practice released three tools on FM, ME/CFS and POTS to help family physicians recognize, assess, diagnose and treat these conditions. If you suspect you have these conditions and your family physician or nurse practitioner are not familiar with these conditions, please direct them to these tools. See link below

Centre For Effective Practice: Tools for FM ME/CFS & POTS

May 12th International Awareness Day

May 12, 2023


May 12th International Awareness Day Events

Update on Action Plan Media Advocacy

Newsflash May 2023

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May 12th: ME International Awareness Day

May 12th International Awareness Day began almost 30 years ago to raise awareness primarily for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME).   The date of May 12th honours the birthday of  Florence  Nightingale, founder of modern nursing who was virtually bedridden for almost fifty years with an illness resembling ME or Fibromyalgia (FM).

Through the years, May 12th has become known as May 12th International Awareness Day not only for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) but also for Fibromyalgia (FM) and Environmental Sensitivities/Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (ES/MCS).  Throughout the world, numerous support and advocacy organizations that represent and support one or more of ME/CFS, FM and ES/MCS hold public awareness events in communities around the world.

The City of Toronto and many municipalities across Canada proclaim May 12th as International Awareness Day for one or more of ME/CFS, FM and ES/MCS.  The same is done in many municipalities overseas.

CareNow Ontario (formerly MEAO) History with May 12th International Awareness Day:

MEAO (now CareNow Ontario) began May 12th days in 1994 advocating for awareness for ME/CFS, FM and ES/MCS.

Since approximately 2010, CareNow Ontario (formerly MEAO) began having May 12th International Awareness day events at Queen’s Park Legislature, Toronto, Ontario to bring awareness and to advocate to the Government of Ontario and Ontario MPPs for a system of medical care and social supports for those living with ME/CFS,  FM and ES/MCS.

Because of the advocacy of CareNow Ontario, the Ontario Ministry of Health mandated the Task Force on Environmental Health which began in the year 2016 to the end of 2018. The task force produced an interim report and a final report containing many recommendations for a system of care and social supports.  An Action plan was submitted to the Minister of Health in 2021 with no further action to date.